XLVets Community

XL Vet Farm Logo

Wyvern Farm Vets is part of the XLVets community. XLVets is a group of independently owned, progressive veterinary practices that work together to achieve the highest standards of veterinary care. Working within all fields of veterinary medicine and surgery we provide a compassionate and caring service for all species of animals under our care.

XLVets member practices are dedicated to providing a high quality, cost-effective service to their clients, to support long-term growth and future prosperity within the UK livestock industry.

We strive to be at the heart of our farm client’s business as the primary source of highly valued on-farm advice and the central co-ordinating consultant for other farm services.

For farm clients of XLVets member practices, this gives local access to many of the unique national initiatives the group develops; from health management, consultancy advice, and disease prevention, through to bespoke analytical services to improve farm productivity and financial returns.

Learn more about the XLVets Community.

Get in touch with Wyvern Farm Vets


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